Smuggling Compartment gives you the illicit slot, and a nice option for this would be Inertial Dampeners. Add in a Smuggling Compartment and we can really get this ship going!
It makes it like in the movie where the Falcon is having problems taking off and begins to malfunction. Taking Ion tokens may seem bad, but you can get 2 good boosts out of this before you are ionized. A discounted way of adding boost is with Leebo. Engine Upgrade is almost a must take with any large ship, but points can wrack up fast. Another crew member that can add to this combo, and to keep it thematic in a way, is Leebo. You roll 1 agility die, then add your blank with Finn, then re-roll all blanks. This will allow the Falcon to boost its defense by upping its agility by 2. So while Rey’s ability makes her able to re-roll 2 blanks while attacking or defending, Finn makes it all the better by adding and additional blank result to those rolls. Teamwork is key to keep the Rebellion going! The recently debuted Finn crew card makes Rey a whole lot better. The title allows for an emergency 180 degree turn if you end up getting out maneuvered, or if you just want a flashy trick to pull off in your game. With the new Millennium Falcon title, she will be able to take advantage of her pilot ability and keep enemies in her firing arc. Rey is a decent pilot that comes in at the Pilot Skill 8 range. The ‘new’ Millennium Falcon will be released soon with the Heroes of the Rebellion expansion, and we have been tinkering with some new builds that will surely give the Imperials a few new surprises to watch out for!